
React Jukebox

A YouTube/Soundcloud Jukebox - create and save your own playlist! Written using React, GraphQL, Apollo and Material-UI.

React Google Books Search

A React app that utilizes the Google Books API and MongoDB to search for and save books.

Paws & Pooches

An Express web app designed to help users find the perfect pet or post animals available for adoption.

Todo List

A simple todo list built using React, GraphQL and Apollo, and styled using Tachyons.

Clicky Game

A simple memory game built using React. Click on an image to earn points, but don't click on an image more than once!

King of the Hill Trivia

Test your knowledge of Mike Judge's animated series "King of the Hill".

The Onion Scraper

A web app that uses Cheerio and MongoDB to scrape news stories from The Onion and allows users to leave comments on them.

Train Scheduler

A simple train scheduling app built on Firebase, Bootstrap and jQuery.

South Park RPG

Ancillary characters from "South Park" do battle for your pleasure.

Eat Da Burger

Order and enjoy burgers using a Heroku-hosted Express app hooked into a MySQL database.

Name the Cat

Hangman meets Cat Fancy magazine! Test your knowledge of cat breeds, from the common to the obscure.


Use AJAX and the Giphy API to search for food-related gifs.

Friend Finder

Find a new friend based on the results of a short survey.


A node-based command line app used to search for movies, songs and concerts.

CLI ONLY Github Repo

A set of node-based command line apps used to simulate E-commerce.

CLI ONLY Github Repo

About Me

I have over a decade of experience on the content side of web production, with past roles in engineering, QA, and director-level site production. As a seasoned multitasker and fast learner, I’m seeking to transition into a web engineering/development role where I can grow my skills with various full-stack technologies while contributing to a company that works to make the world a better place.

Originally from Oklahoma, I got my B.A. in French from UC Berkeley in 2003. I am a graduate of the Full Stack Development Bootcamp at UCLA, and I also hold a certificate in Java Programming from City College of San Francisco. Prior to working in casual games I had careers as both a bartender and a musician. I currently reside in San Diego, California.

Kurt Statham
415 321 0979